Guided CBT

CBT in a nutshell

The therapeutic guidance that we offer at PsychOnline4u is based on a proven effective psychological approach known as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT for short. The CBT-approach assumes that emotional and behavioural problems are maintained by a vicious circle of negative thinking, unwanted emotions and bodily sensations, and unhelpful behaviours. Bringing about positive change involves learning how to break this vicious circle, by changing unhelpful patterns of thinking, emotional responding, and behaving. This also includes changing how we respond to
these negative experiences.

Therapy 4u


The therapies that we offer at Psychonline4u are based on the proven effective approaches known as CBT, EMDR and PET. These therapies assume that emotional and
behavioural problems are maintained by a vicious circle of negative thoughts (as well as images and memories), unpleasant emotions, bodily sensations and unhelpful
behaviours. All these aspects interact and strengthen each other.

You can break this vicious circle and reclaim your mental health by changing your unhelpful patterns of thinking, emotional responding, and behaving. This also includes changing how you respond and relate to these negative aspects of your experience.



Are you struggling with feelings of anxiety, and it’s impact on your daily life? 

If so, PsychOnline4u can help you overcome it, with guided CBT for Anxiety!


Struggling with distressing symptoms resulting from some traumatic experience?

If so, PsychOnline4u can help you recover, with guided CBT for Trauma!


Are you experiencing low, depressed mood that’s impacting how you think, behave, and relate to others? 

If so, PsychOnline4u can help you overcome it, with guided CBT for depression!



Struggling with anxiety and avoidance that is impacting how you think, behave and relate to others in your daily life?  

Psychonline4u can help you reclaim your mental health


Struggling with distressing symptoms resulting from some traumatic experience in your daily life?

 Psychonline4u can help you reclaim your mental health.


Struggling with depression that’s impacting how you think, behave, and relate to others in your daily life? 

 Psychonline4u can help you reclaim your mental health. 

Breaking the vicious circle with guided CBT!

Lots of psychological research has shown that the use of top-quality self-help resources, based on the proven effective approach called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), works well for mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, trauma, (as in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD), and depression. Self-help resources, based on CBT, can help persons who are experiencing such problems to reclaim their mental health.

Research also shows that the benefits can be even greater when these self-help resources are used in combination with support from a professional who has been trained in CBT. This combined approach is called guided CBT, and it’s our core business at PsychOnline4u! Guided CBT is intended to help persons experiencing such problems to help themselves, so that they become, in a sense, their own ‘therapist’. So, PsychOnline4u is about helping you to help yourself!

Breaking the vicious circle with our online therapy!

Lots of psychological research has shown that CBT, EMDR and PET can be highly effective in treating a broad range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression and trauma. At Psychonline4u these therapies are provided in live online sessions by an experienced psychologist. This is our core business!



It’s quite possible that, after viewing the information on this website, and perhaps after reading one or more of our free e-books, you still have some queries. That’s why PsychOnline4u offers you a (once-off) free 15 minute online consultation (or a voice call, whichever you prefer), in which you can discuss your queries with us.


If you have any queries, you can request a free (20 min) online consultation with our psychologist.

Making CBT accesible

PsychOnline4u offers attractively designed therapeutic programmes, based on CBT, for persons who are struggling with problems of anxiety,  depression, trauma. In order to make our guided CBT programmes as accessible as possible, we offer them online. This way, our clients can access and work on their mental health problems from the convenience and privacy of their own home, at a pace and time that best suits them, and with no travelling time or expenses involved!

This so-called e-mental health approach is a relatively new, innovative way, of providing psychological support to those who want to learn how to deal more effectively with their mental health problems, and who are willing to do this learning online. At PsychOnline4u this guided CBT is given by an experienced psychologist, trained and qualified as a cognitive behavioural therapist.

Our guided CBT-programmes consist of top-quality online modules, containing a combination of workbooks and other written materials, video clips, auditory recordings and downloadable worksheets.

Clients are expected to actively engage with these self-help resources, in between sessions, so that they can learn important skills that will enable them to tackle their problems more effectively.

Therapy accessible 4u

At Psychonline4u we make therapy accessible for adults, teens, kids and their parents by offering it in live online sessions with an experienced psychologist. You do your therapy in the convenience and privacy of your own home, with no travelling time or expenses involved. Reseach has shown  that online therapy is effective for those who want to learn how to deal with their mental health problems in a more effective way, and who are willing to do this learning online.





Online therapy at Psychonline4u

At Psychonline4u we use video conferencing to treat our clients with CBT, EMDR and PET. A video conference is a live online meeting with your psychologist. Our online therapy is offered on a secured platform, you privacy is ensured. 

In the video sessions your psychologist will first explore what negative thoughts, disturbing memories, painful emotions and unhelpful behaviour patterns seem to be causing and maintaining your mental health problem(s). Next, the focus shifts to helping you to learn and practice new skills. These will enable you to change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and handle unpleasant emotions. In between sessions, you will put your newly learned skills into practice in real life situations. 

In the case of trauma EMDR will help you reprocess your disturbing memories. and images of some traumatic event. These memory images will then no longer distress you. 

Live online support from a psychologist

At PsychOnline4u we use video conferencing to support our clients in the use of our online modules. A video conference is a live online meeting  with a psychologist, who has been trained as a cognitive behaviour therapist. Both the online modules and the video conferences are offered on a secured platform, to ensure our clients’ privacy.

In the video sessions the psychologist first explores what thought- and behaviour patterns seem to be causing and maintaining the problems. Next, the focus shifts to helping the client learn and practice new skills that will enable them to change these unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. In between sessions, clients are expected to put their newly learned insights and skills into practice in real life situations (especially those situations that they find problematic!).

What clients say about PsychOnline4u

What clients say about PsychOnline4u

Scope and limitations of Guided CBT

Finally: the scope of guided CBT for reducing mental health problems such as the symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety disorders, depression, or trauma, is obvious. Research has shown that self-help resources, based on CBT, can be effective in tackling these problems, and even more so when these resources are combined with support from a professional trained in CBT.

However, some people struggle with severe levels of these psychological problems. In those cases, guided CBT will not be adequate in addressing their mental health needs. More intensive forms of treatment will usually be required, of the kind provided in regular face-to-face therapy!

That’s why we, at PsychOnline4u, first do an initial assessment: to identify both the nature and severity of a person’s mental health problem,  so that we can decide whether our guided CBT would be sufficient, or whether more intensive treatment is required. If our assessment indicates that the latter is indeed the case, then we will discuss this with the person in question, and advise them to seek more intensive treatment. And we will do this, as much as possible, in close cooperation with their GP. This is explained in more detail on the website, in the information about Assessment, and also in our Terms and Conditions.

Scope and limitations of Guided CBT

There is convincing evidence from psychological research that online therapy, such as CBT, PET and EMDR, can be effective in treating anxiety, trauma and depression. However, some people struggle with severe forms of these problems. In those cases, online therapy will not be adequate in addressing their mental health needs. More intensive forms of treatment will be required.

That’s why we, at Psychonline4u, first do an initial assessment to identify both the nature and severity of a person’s mental health problems. That way, we can decide whether online therapy would be sufficient, or whether more intensive treatment is required.   

If our assessment indicates the latter, then we will, of course, discuss this with you and advise you to seek more intensive treatment. And we will do this, as much as possible, in close cooperation with your GP. This is explained in the information about Assessment, and also in our Terms and Conditions.